Episode 38: COVID-19: Mother Nature’s Work or Something Else?

David Engelthaler

David Engelthaler Ph.D.

Professor and Director
Pathogen and Microbiome Division

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With the Delta variant of COVID-19 garnering worldwide attention, it begs the question: When will the pandemic end?

This month on Episode 38 of TGen Talks, we circle back with David Englethaler, Ph.D., Director of TGen's Pathogen and Microbiome Division, more commonly known as TGen North, for an update on all things COVID-19 related.

How much longer will we be dealing with COVID-19? Do we really know where COVID came from? Will we need vaccinations against COVID for years to come?

Dr. Engelthaler answers these questions, and also explains how TGen is working with local and state health officials to track variants of COVID-19 — and posting that information freely on Arizona COVID-19 Sequencing Dashboard—  and how we’re preparing for the next pandemic.