Some people come into this world and leave a mark on everyone they meet.  Scott lived a life of adventure, thriving in the outdoors and tackling life at full force.  His motto was "Prove It!"  He not only challenged himself to achieve great feats, but also pushed everyone around him to try harder and to be better.  He was an inspiration to all.

Our beloved fiancé, son, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer at 29.  He never once complained and his positive attitude never wavered.  Even when he lost his dominant arm, he continued doing the  things he loved - skateboarding, golfing, playing video games, swimming,  and more.

Just as always, Scott wasn't going to let anything stop him.  He was determined to continue achieving things that others saw as impossible.

Scott was an avid surfer and snowboarder, spending his summers in California and winters in Northern Arizona.  Thus, he wanted his ashes spread where the gentle waves and sloping mountains meet - in Lake Tahoe.

Scott lived his 30 years to the absolute fullest.  He lived moment-by-moment, always in fearless pursuit of his passions.  And that's what he wishes for those he's left behind and those who stumble upon his memorial, chase your dreams, pursue you passions, travel the world, fall in love, try something new, live with no regrets.

If you would like to make a donation in honor of Scott to support TGen's Hope Fund, please use the form below.

Your donation to honor a loved one in our memorial program is important to furthering the institute's mission to develop earlier diagnoses and smarter treatments for patients. All gifts at every level make a difference!

Donation Information

You may also send a gift by mail to:
TGen Foundation
445 N. 5th Street, Suite 120
Phoenix, AZ 85004