Chris Browning, 64, reached the end of a remarkable life on June 15, 2016 at Marley House, the beautiful hospice he designed for Prescott area families and their loved ones. He had lived with metastatic pancreatic cancer for 16 months.

He is survived by his wife of 25 years, Abbie Roses, children Casee, Ashley, Corin, Isaac and Nora, parents Paul and Norma Browning, siblings Ceri, Tim and Greg, grandchildren Gabriel, Aurora, Saul and Leona, a circle of close friends and many colleagues in the building industry.

Raised in Iowa and a graduate of Iowa State University, Chris was a gifted architect whose historically-inspired work enhanced people's lives in Vermont and Arizona over a 40-year career. He formed The Prescott Building Company in 2005 so he could take a project from vision to completion for his clients who loved being part of the creative process. Hands on by nature, he did much of the building himself, crafting the details that made his work so exceptional.

In addition to being passionate about his work, Chris loved traveling in the US and abroad, sports, reading, country western music and hiking with Wanda and Nelli, the family dogs. He was understated, quietly brilliant and funny, kind-hearted, strong and principled, never shying away from a good debate. More than anything in this life, he adored being a dad to his kids who are heartbroken but resilient thanks to his example.

If you wish to honor Chris's memory, please click here to make a gift to the OneMore Initiative at that seeks to end pancreatic cancer. His family has donated his body to scientific research in the hope of finding a cure for this devastating disease. A celebration of life will be held in the fall.


Your donation to honor a loved one in our memorial program is important to furthering the institute's mission to develop earlier diagnoses and smarter treatments for patients. All gifts at every level make a difference!

Donation Information

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TGen Foundation
445 N. 5th Street, Suite 120
Phoenix, AZ 85004