Evaluating cancer etiology and risk with a mathematical model of tumor evolution. S. Pénisson, A. Lambert, C. Tomasetti (2022), Nature Communications, Volume 13 n°7224
Why are viral genomes so fragile? The bottleneck hypothesis. N. Merleau, S. Pénisson, P. Gerrish, S. Elena, M. Smerlak (2021), PLOS Computational Biology, 17(7
Dynamics and fate of beneficial mutations under lineage contamination by linked deleterious mutations. S. Pénisson, T. Singh, P. Sniegowski and P. Gerrish (2017), Genetics, Volume 205 n°3
Beyond the Q-process: various ways of conditioning the multitype Galton-Watson process. S. Pénisson (2016), ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., Volume 13 n°1
Estimation of the infection parameter of an epidemic modeled by a branching process. S. Pénisson (2014), Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 8 n°2