TGen's Center for Rare Childhood Disorders, C4RCDTM Research Program, is giving hope to children and their families where once there was none.
“At the Center, we’re able to diagnose about 40 percent of our patients. Even though it might not lead immediately to a treatment, there’s a lot of power in attaching a name to their child’s disorder.”
All parents have hopes and dreams for their children. Topping the list is the hope that their children are healthy and live productive lives. As parents know all too well, children don’t come with instruction manuals, so understandably they sometimes question their child-rearing choices or wonder if they’re doing the right thing.
In honor of Rare Disease Day (February 28) Center medical director, Vinodh Naryanan, M.D., talks numbers, treatments and more on this month's edition of TGen Talks.
Conducting a study on genetic differences in disease severity for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). We are looking for families where the parent has a mild form of the disease and the child has severe neurological disease.
Diagnosis by TGen’s Center for Rare Childhood Disorders gives solace to parents who searched a quarter-century for answers
Damaged gene FBXO28 is linked to patient at TGen’s Center for Rare Childhood Disorders
Shelby Valint, following TGen genomic sequencing, able to walk and talk, even run and dance; urges public to help other children like her.